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I always get people on facebook asking me what is the difference between being Intersex and Transgendered.
Well, I dont have a degree in Psychology, but I do have some understanding on this, thanks to the wonders of internet.
I believe people, such as myself are transgendered, because we were born as male but our gender identity is female, or born female but identify as male. This is the reason some( not all)trans people, opt to go for surgery to have their genitals surgically altered. Some people also feel more at ease dressing as the opposite sex, but still dont feel the need to have surgery, these people are called crossdressers. There are alot more sub- groups under the umbrella term of transgenderism. I will post a link from wikipedia, that explains everything.

Intersex on the other hand is when someone, whether male or female is born with ambiguous genitalia, or in some rare cases, where an individual is born with both ovarian ad testicular tissue. Most intersexed individuals identify as their gender assign to them at birth.

Most people also confuse Gender identity disorders with Homosexuality, but there is a clear distinction between sexual preferance and gender identity. Some trans people as well as some intersexed individuals, may identify as gay or lesbian. (A male transgendered feale who is sexually attracted to women are lesbian and vis a versa).


